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Thyssen at Home: Pablo Picasso

Welcome to the new edition of Thyssen at Home.


Today, the artistic director of the Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra, Guillermo Cervera, dedicates his speech to the great Pablo Picasso through his work: “The reapers”, 1906.

Pablo Ruiz Picasso, born on October 25th, 1881 in Malaga, quickly became acquainted with the art world thanks to his father, José Ruiz y Blasco, who was a drawing teacher and an artist. In 1895 he began an academic training at the School of Fine Arts of Barcelona, and then at the Royal Academy of San Fernando in Madrid, before leaving for Paris. Since 1901, he changed his signature using only his mother’s name, Picasso, a name nowadays internationally famous.

Picasso is known for reinventing himself without interruption, moving from one style to another in a radical way with mastery. This is what makes the wealth of his work divided into different periods, styles, supports and concepts.

“The reapers” 1906, isn’t the artist’s best-known work, however, it represents a key creation in Pablo Picasso’s career. Is the painting that prefigures the “Demoiselles d’Avignon” 1907, the starting point of the Cubist movement.

Inspired by the Fauvist colours and lines, “The Reapers” is a jumble between the avant-garde of the moment, and the future artistic movements such as Cubism or Russian Constructivism created in the 1920’s.

So, we let you discover this little-known but essential part of this great artist’s career and we hope, from the Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra, that you’ll enjoy the conference.



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