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The Museum


Our mission is to difusse and to spread the Carmen Thyssen Collection and become a reference in the cultural offer of Andorra in order to contribute to the international projection of the country.

We stand on culture!


In 10 years we want to became a museum:

  1. Modern and innovative: A museum provided by modern installations and well instrumented, that is innovative in the exhibitions and the programs, and that uses fully the new technologies to communicate and to do accessible its knowledge as a whole.
  2. A referent: A museum recognised by its trajectory, the value of its programs, exhibitions and services, for its prestige and the solidity of its guideline and opinion.
  3. Opened, inclusive and participatory: A museum that attracts a very diverse public, that facilitates the access to its projects and that invites to take part actively.
  4. Connected: A museum involved in the cultural and social life of the country, and that usually collaborates with other institutions and people that work with similar aims in the national and international enviroment.


The principles and performances that guide us are

  1. Excellence: We try to act with the maximum quality and rigour in all we do. We strain to adopt the professional standards higher.
  2. Integrity: We value the honestity and the ethical behaviour in our acts and professional relations.
  3. Sustainability: we incorporate criteria of sustainability (environmental, social and economic) to the decisions we take and to the daily operation.
  4. Commitment: We use our resources and capacities to exert an influence and a positive action in defence of the values that define us.
  5. Responsibility and transparency: we act in a responsible way in the exercise of our work and take care of our actions and decisions.
  6. Team work: we believe in the team work as a tool to improve the efficiency, the quality and as a way to incorporate the collaboration in all our development,
  7. Ongoing training: we bet for the knowledge as a path to improve, innovate, adapt us to the changes and increase the effectiveness and the efficiency.
  8. Enthusiasm: we work with passion and implication, we are convinced that this is the engine of the well done work.
  9. Empathy: we are a team that values and respects the diversity and looks to establish agreement always taking in cosideration the human factor in first term.
  10. Creativity: the creative component is the base of the innovation, we do not establish limits in this sense, because the art is a creative act. We develope many tasks in where the creativity is the main principle and we apply this creativity also to our educational dimension.
  • © 2025 - Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra
  • Av. Carlemany, 37 - AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
  • Principat d'Andorra
  • Location

Disseny web: Qucut Produccions + Marc Julià Disseny gràfic: Laura López Martí

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