
Home » News » The design students of the EA of Baccalaureate and the occupational workshops of the EENSM work together on the occasion of International Day for people with disabilities.

The design students of the EA of Baccalaureate and the occupational workshops of the EENSM work together on the occasion of International Day for people with disabilities.

“The social inclusion of people is a matter of all of us” is the slogan of the graphic artist contest that the Carmen Thyssen Andorra and EENSM set up on the occasion of the International Day for people with disabilities that will be held on December 3 . The design students of the Margineda have been chosen to participate from the classrooms in the elaboration of a design that will be an image for the indicated day. The winning project will have the privilege of being part of the production process in the Occupational Workshops. The resulting product, a commemorative mug, will be marketed from the Workshops and can be found in the store of the MCTA. This action aims the youth to be part of the social awareness of people with disabilities in order to make a positive reinforcement of the disability and to normalize integration.

Last week, the EESM and the MCTA were invited by the Andorran High School to present the projecto to all the contestant students, an act where the inclusion initiatives in the community and society were reaffirmed.


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