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Interview with the curators of “Talented”

Discover the opinion of the curators of the exhibition “Talented Painters of the Same Origin. From Rigalt to Puigdengolas”.

Exhibitions are not just randomly placed works in a space but embody the thoughts of the curators. This thought is gradually transformed into a story, an experience developed by the artistic discourse. An experience that visitors will remember.

We interviewed Isabel Rodríguez and Guillermo Cervera, both curators of the exhibition Talented Painters of the Same Origin. From Rigalt to Puigdengolas. Both reveal the role and involvement of the curators behind an exhibition.


What is the role of the curator in an exhibition?

Guillermo Cervera and Isabel Rodríguez define this role as the creator of the exhibition and its concept. It is a work of research on the artists, on their lives and on their work. This leads to finding the thread and the coherence of the exhibition’s discourse. To convey the idea, the curators also coordinate with graphic designers and industrialists. In this way, they ensure that everyone working together speaks the same language.

What selection criteria did the curators of the ‘Talents’ exhibition follow? Was the final selection a challenge? 

According to Guillermo, every exhibition is a challenge. The curators have the responsibility to convey and offer an informative and coherent exhibition to the visitors. Starting with an abstract idea, Isabel comments that the first step is to create a genealogy and look for relationships between artists. Then schools and groups of artists appear. From there, the exhibition begins to take shape and a more precise direction and finally arrives at the point where everything fits together.

The aim is to create a connection between the works and the public, to design an experience that everyone can take home with them.

What will visitors find in the ‘Talented’ exhibition?

The public will discover the quality of local art, as well as the creative effervescence and concerns of artists in a time of great change. Through these 28 works, the curators explain that from the middle of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, there was a significant aesthetic evolution linked to the changes generated by modernity.

The public will also discover the need for artists to evolve, change and enrich each other.

What response do you expect from the audience of the “Talented” exhibition?

Guillermo and Isabel agree that the aim is for everyone to make the exhibition their own and then leave with a smile. The success lies in the fact that the public enjoys each work and wants to discover the next one. Visitors must be able to connect the paintings to their own story in addition to what the exhibition explains so that the visit becomes a personal experience.

The incorporation of audio guides and musical discourse, a universal language, helps the connection between the work and the visitor.

  • © 2025 - Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra
  • Av. Carlemany, 37 - AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
  • Principat d'Andorra
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