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Frequently Asked Questions: What is matter painting?

As we do every week, we answer the frequently asked questions that visitors often ask us when they arrive at the Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra.

Today it is the turn of the question: What is matter painting?


Matterism is a pictorial current that is said to have been born around the Second World War in France with the artist Jean Fautrier and the representative of Outsider art Jean Dubuffet. This painting technique, developed mainly in Spain, Italy and France, is unique both in its creative process and its aesthetics.

Indeed, the Matterism is known for the use of non-traditional materials, such as sand, wood, wax, plaster, etc… and is often treated with impasto. This current, which is on the borderline between painting and modelling, can find its beginnings in cubist collage, or the diversification of materials of Dadaist and surrealist assemblage.

The artists work the material on the canvas with their hands or with the help of instruments, and play with thickness and colours to sculpt the material in a unique and astonishing way.

This artistic movement, represented in the exhibition “INFLUENCERS in Art. From Van Goyen to Pop Art” by the artist Miquel Villà i Bassols through his work: “Pobla de Segur“, will not leave you indifferent.

  • © 2025 - Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra
  • Av. Carlemany, 37 - AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
  • Principat d'Andorra
  • Location

Disseny web: Qucut Produccions + Marc Julià Disseny gràfic: Laura López Martí

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