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Educative program EduCarmenThyssen online

Due to the new circumstances arising from COVID19, in this academic year, the Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra is adapting its EduCarmenThyssen educational program to an online format, a practical solution that allows students to enter the museum’s facilities virtually.

We propose the visits tas dynamic encounters, that generate questions and dialogue between students, as it it would be done in person. We also propose to explore the creativity of the students themselves, with workshops that are carried out from the classroom, facilitating the materials in advance and adapting them to the teaching specificities.

A space for experimentation and listening that is developed at distance and is run entirely by the museum’s specialized staff. Online visits for all educational levels, adapted to the language and level of the students, which will allow to know in detail the works, through a virtual guided tour of the exhibition “Influencers in art. From Van Goyen to Pop Art “.

Through the digital visualization of the museum and the playful-educational activity, we promote the complete immersion in the Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra, betting for the culture and the art to continue being  present in all the educational systems of Andorra.

The educational proposal will be presented next week in two online sessions to the teachers.

  • © 2025 - Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra
  • Av. Carlemany, 37 - AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
  • Principat d'Andorra
  • Location

Disseny web: Qucut Produccions + Marc Julià Disseny gràfic: Laura López Martí

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