
Home » News » Collaboration between the MCTA and the SAAS to bring teenagers closer to art

Collaboration between the MCTA and the SAAS to bring teenagers closer to art

People with severe mental disorder often have difficulty communicating with the environment. Art is a vehicle of communication and, at the same time, a pleasure that must be accessible to everybody. The SAAS Mental Health Service offers training tools to bring artistic expression to the users of their equipment.

In this sense, for the second year, the Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra offers to the Rehabilitation Service teenagers and the Mental Health Service’s an contact experience with art that is highly regarded by both entities.

On one hand, the program, designed exclusively by the Museum for this group, brings users closer to a world full of sensations and details, in a space often not frequented by teenagers with or without mental disorders. On the other hand, they are offered the chance to attend workshops that promote expressiveness and communication without limits.

People with mental illness bring insights and interpretations of art that enrich us. At the same time, art is an opportunity for enjoyment and communication for all, without making any difference for health reasons.

Both entities say that this is a good step in the fight against stigma and plan to continue working in this direction.

  • © 2025 - Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra
  • Av. Carlemany, 37 - AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
  • Principat d'Andorra
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