Extend the exhibition “Influencers in art. From Van Goyen to Pop Art”
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Influencers in art. From Van Goyen to Pop Art extended
From 06/10/19 to 10/01/21
The Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra presents “Influencers in the art. From Van Goyen to Pop Art “, the fourth exhibition held in the museum from October 2019 until September 2020. Tweenty-seven artworks, three of which are sculptures, in different genres and from different periods of time interrelated by the influence that artists, counsciously or not, have had throughout the art history.
Some artworks in particular, and art in general, have generated a strong impact on our perception of life.They have become a source of inspiration for new creations. Contemporary artists get nurished of that fact, inspired by specific influences to create and develop their own pictorial style.
Starting from this base, the artists of the current exhibition like Jan Josefsz Van Goyen or the prestigious Auguste Rodin, among others, show us their artistic heritage and their influences, towards a new legacy that creates a strong connection between the present, the past and the future. Influencers seeks to showcase this relationship and goes beyond the first impression, to relate Works from different periods in the most current and unexpected vision.
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Opening hours
From Tuesday to Friday: 10.00 am - 6.00 pm
Saturday: 10.00 am - 7.00 pm
Sunday: 10.00 am - 14.00 pm
Monday: CLOSED