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Water weekend

MCTA organizes the “water weekend”. Saturday 3rd November from 10:30h to 13:30h and from 16:30h to 18:00h the @cthyssenandorra a #pleinair works with Caldea to create a paint workshop for everybody. Also, the little ones can do their drawing for the contest organized by both entities.

Sunday 4th of November from 10:30h to 13:30h the museum as museum friend of Unicef organizes a workshop based on sustainability. One of the global objectives that Unicef has for 2030 is to ensure the availability of water and its sustainable management, in this sense, the Carmen Thyssen Museum Andorra proposes a workshop to raise awareness about the ease we have in our society to consume water, unlike many other areas of the world where water is a scarce resource.

The workshops are free and will be done in the Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra.

  • © 2024 - Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra
  • Av. Carlemany, 37 - AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
  • Principat d'Andorra
  • Location

Disseny web: Qucut Produccions + Marc Julià Disseny gràfic: Laura López Martí

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