
Home » Activities » ‘musical mobiles’ WORKSHOP

‘musical mobiles’ WORKSHOP

On Saturday 15 June, music will take center stage in the family workshop with the creation of musical mobiles. Taking advantage of the arrival of summer, the decoration of the mobiles will have a direct relationship with the works of art that make up the Polifonia group: Parasol by Maria Girona, Fishermen on the beach by Ramón Sanvisens and Playa de las Arenas by Cecilio Pla and Gallardo

Advance reservation

Saturday 15 June: ‘musical mobiles’ WORKSHOP

• From years
• Saturday sessions: 11.30 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5 p.m.
• Price of the activity 2 euros per participant with prior reservation
•Book at: reserves@mcta.ad / tel.: 800 800

* Minors must be accompanied by an adult.

  • © 2024 - Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra
  • Av. Carlemany, 37 - AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
  • Principat d'Andorra
  • Location

Disseny web: Qucut Produccions + Marc Julià Disseny gràfic: Laura López Martí

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