
Home » Activities » #DansArt Feminina Feminae

#DansArt Feminina Feminae

The Carmen Thyssen Museum Andorra collaborates with Soul Dance School in a unique evening where attendees will enjoy the fusion between music, dance and art. A proposal that is included in the “Have an Art Day” activities that seeks to offer experiences that go beyond the exhibition hall.

With #Dansart Femina Feminae, a new opportunity is opened and allows you to enjoy the current show, from a sensory perspective that will arouse the rhythm and imagination of the spectators.

The Soul Dance ballet team will mark the guideline of the visit, which will move on through the room; a dance connected to the works of art displayed on the gallery and in this case with the current exhibition “Femina Feminae”. The result is a surprising bet from the start.

The activity will cost 20 euros, which will be used to finance part of the dance school activities. It will be held on May 2 in two sessions at 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. and on May 3 in two sessions at 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. The activity has a limited number of places, it is essential to book it by email (reserves@mcta.ad) or by phone (+376 800800).

  • © 2024 - Museu Carmen Thyssen Andorra
  • Av. Carlemany, 37 - AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
  • Principat d'Andorra
  • Location

Disseny web: Qucut Produccions + Marc Julià Disseny gràfic: Laura López Martí

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